John Deere


Issue F1

Compact Utility Tractors



Product Identification



Replacement Parts

Service Intervals

Servicing Your Machine

Break-in - After 1 Hour

Break-in - After First 50 Hours

Every 10 Hours or Daily

Every 200 Hours

Every 500 Hours

Two Years or 2000 Hours

Service Lubrication

Service Engine

Service Transmission

Service Electrical

Service Miscellaneous






John Deere Quality Statement

Service Record

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Service Intervals

Servicing Your Machine

IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! Operating in extreme conditions may require more frequent service intervals:

ˇ Engine components may become dirty or plugged when operating in extreme heat, dust or other severe conditions.

ˇ Engine oil may lose efficiency if vehicle is operated constantly at slow or low engine speeds or with frequent short trips.

Please use the following timetables to perform routine maintenance on your machine.

Break-in - After 1 Hour

ˇ Check wheel bolt torque.

Break-in - After First 50 Hours

ˇ Change engine oil and filter.

ˇ Check alternator belt tension.

ˇ Check radiator hoses and clamps.

ˇ Check air filter intake hoses and clamps.

ˇ Check transmission oil level.

ˇ Check wheel bolt torque.

ˇ Check for loose, missing, or damaged parts.

Every 10 Hours or Daily

ˇ Check engine oil level.

ˇ Check air filter rubber dust unloading valve.

ˇ Check air restriction indicator.

ˇ Check radiator coolant level.

ˇ Check fuel filter sediment bowl.

ˇ Check and clean grille and side screens.

ˇ Check and clean radiator cooling screen.

Every 200 Hours

ˇ Change engine oil and filter.

ˇ Clean fuel filter sediment bowl.

ˇ Inspect alternator belt and check tension.

ˇ Check and clean radiator cooling fins.

ˇ Hydro Models: Check and clean oil cooling coils.

ˇ Check battery electrolyte.

ˇ Lubricate 3-point hitch.

ˇ Check transmission oil level.

ˇ Check front axle oil level.

ˇ Lubricate tractor grease fittings.

ˇ Check wheel bolt torque.

ˇ Check tire air pressure.

ˇ Lubricate selective control valve (SCV) linkage.

Every 500 Hours

ˇ Change transmission oil and filter.

ˇ Clean transmission suction screen.

ˇ Check transmission oil level.

ˇ Lubricate tractor grease fittings.

ˇ Check primary air filter.

ˇ Check air filter intake hoses and clamps.

ˇ Check wheel bolt torque.

ˇ Check radiator coolant freeze point and clarity.

ˇ Replace fuel filter.

ˇ Check battery electrolyte.

ˇ Lubricate selective control valve (SCV) linkage.

ˇ Change front axle oil.

ˇ Inspect fuel injectors. (See your John Deere dealer.)

ˇ Adjust engine valve clearance. (See your John Deere dealer.)

Two Years or 2000 Hours

ˇ Flush and replace factory coolant. Flush cooling system and replace coolant with John Deere COOL-GARDŽ engine coolant.